Year 7 students started at Catherine McAuley on Tuesday, 4th February.
School Principal Ms Mary Refalo told the Year 7 students gathered in Mercy Square on Tuesday morning for their first day at Catherine McAuley to remember to ‘Strive For Higher Things’.
School Principal Ms Mary Refalo told the Year 7 students gathered in Mercy Square on Tuesday morning for their first day at Catherine McAuley to remember to ‘Strive For Higher Things’. “Remember the school motto and always Strive For Higher Things,” Ms Refalo told the students. “We look forward to seeing that from you this year and in Year 8 and every year until you finish in Year 12.”
Year 7 students Aditri, Amy and Rashmitha were all very excited as they waited in Mercy Square on Tuesday. “I am excited but also scared,” said Aditri. “I do have my friends with me so I know I will be alright.” The three friends had all attended Westmead Public School and were looking forward to the new opportunities high school would bring. “I am particularly looking forward to cooking,” says Amy, whereas Rashmitha says she is looking forward to learning in all subjects but is particularly looking forward to Maths. Aditri is keen for her Science classes, “I really want to use the bunsen burners,” she said.

Diane, the mother of Year 7 student Tatiana, said that despite her daughter starting at Catherine McAuley by herself she was feeling very calm. “There has been great communication from the school through the newsletters and other items so I feel the process has been very smooth. I feel comfortable and calm and feel I know what I need to know. It has been a smooth transition.”
Joseph, father of Year 7 student Elyse, said his daughter was feeling very happy to start her new school. “She woke up very early today because she couldn’t wait to start,” Joseph said. “She had everything set up the day before”. Manu, father to Year 7 student Malavika, also said his daughter was very excited and was keen to make new friends given she has come without any other students from her primary school. “She wasn’t nervous today because she felt comfortable after the orientation day. She is excited and happy to be here,” Manu said.
We were very eager to get admission to Catherine McAuley.

Mrs Tracy Cowling, Leader of Learning Wellbeing Year 7 told the students on Tuesday that they shouldn't be afraid to ask for help. “What is really important is that you remember that there are many, many people around who you can ask for help at any time”, she told the students as they assembled in the BM Building (Sister Barbara McDonough Building). Mrs Cowling also asked the students to look out for each other. “Look for anyone on their own or anyone who is looking a little bit unsure and see if you can smile at them, say hello to them and ask them to join your group”, Mrs Cowling said.
Check in with each other and make sure everyone is OK.