Our Careers Education Program at Catherine McAuley aims to create opportunities for students to explore future careers through accessing a range of resources and by engaging with the wider community.
All Catherine McAuley students are encouraged to start thinking about what they might like to pursue after school and take the time to enjoy exploring what is out there.
During the school year the Careers Office organises guest speakers for lunchtime 'Career Mondays' talks to discuss various careers and study options.
The aim of these talks is to create more opportunities for students to access careers information and insight through those currently working in the field. While the school continues to have student ambassadors from various universities and colleges talk to students, it is often more useful for students to hear from people actually working in a particular role or industry. It is helpful to hear how others reached their goals, how they overcame setbacks and perhaps found other ways to follow their passion.Careers Office
Careers Office

Careers Website
The Catherine McAuley Careers Website can be found via the links below. This resource allows students and parents to become familiar with HSC information, career videos, tertiary and VET study options, information about fees, plus a Student Secure Area (which requires a login) to access resume templates, do some career goal setting and take a careers quiz.
Careers Website

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Keep up with career news
Catherine McAuley Westmead currently has subscriptions to online careers resources. All students and parents are welcome and it is never too early to access this information and be ready for the next stage of your daughter’s future.
The site provide details on events, spotlights on various career areas and important information on industry trends and study areas that are worth knowing about.
These resources are through a paid subscription and students and parents are advised to contact Mrs Amanda Chahine, Careers Adviser for password details.
Click on ‘I’m new’ at the top right corner. Enter our school name, and sign up using the school password.
Keep up with career news