The Student Leaders of Technology organised a week full of STEM activities for STEM Week.
This week at Catherine McAuley has been STEM Week. Organised by the Student Leaders of Technology the week has been filled with STEM related activities at lunch time to encourage students to have fun with STEM.
Naydeen P., Leader of Technology, said that both herself and Rochelle N., Assistant Leader of Technology, wanted to remind Catherine McAuley students of the many opportunities for females to have a career in STEM.
"There are over 30,000 careers for women in STEM and this presents an amazing opportunity for girls and yet many aren’t aware of these opportunities. It is upsetting that so many young females who are thinking about their careers don’t realise all the opportunities which exist in a STEM related field."
STEM careers are our future
Naydeen P.
Naydeen and Rochelle planned activities for each day to fit with the four areas of STEM. Monday was Science, Tuesday was Technology, Wednesday was Engineering and Friday was Mathematics. The Engineering activity on Wednesday was particularly popular as it consisted of a spaghetti and marshmallow challenge. Using just marshmallows and spaghetti sticks the challenge was for students to build either the largest or tallest tower possible.
Year 12 students Caitlin and Lauren were the winners of the marshmallow and spaghetti height challenge with a height of 51cm.
Rochelle, Assistant Leader, says she hopes STEM Week has promoted STEM careers and reminded students what subjects they can choose which are STEM related. “If students are interested in STEM they can of course come along to the STEM Clubs who meet regularly and they can also choose electives like any of the Sciences and Technology electives such as Design & Technology, Industrial Technology and Engineering to name a few”.