Catherine McAuley Westmead Alumni tutoring current students
An afternoon tutoring session in the school library.

The school has employed a team of tutors, consisting of both professional tutors and former students, to assist students with their studies. All students have access to the tutors with designated times available for different year groups.

“The program aims to stretch students' learning beyond the classroom, allowing them to excel even further”, said Mr Michael Hall, Assistant Principal. “Students studying together in a supportive learning environment promotes not only collegiality in learning but also a sense of confidence and inquiry”.

The tutors who are former students of Catherine McAuley are those who excelled whilst at school and can now assist current students in their subject of expertise. The former students are all studying at university and have passed an interview process to ensure they are suitable for this work.

Mathematics Tutoring at Catherine McAuley Westmead
Mathematics tutoring in the library.

The team of professional tutors is growing with a new focus this year on helping students studying a language. The language tutors are native language speakers and help is available with French and Italian on Thursdays. In addition, a former McAuley student who achieved in the top 10% of the State for Japanese in the HSC, and who is now studying Japanese at university, will be available on Wednesdays.

Tutors will be available for senior students during their study periods and lunchtimes whilst younger students will have tutoring help on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays after school in the school library.

The tutors employed by the school are in addition to the peer tutoring sessions run by senior students each Wednesday in the library during lunch. The peer tutoring sessions, which also include Year 10 students tutoring each other on selected days of the week, allow students to offer a service to their fellow students. “Students can obtain help with homework, assignments, anything they don’t understand and would like to have it re-explained to them”, says Mr Hall. “Often a student might explain something differently than a teacher and understanding is gained”.

Catherine McAuley Westmead students who have received Maths Tutoring
Year 10 students are helping each other with tutoring.

The tutoring program is being paid by the school so it is of no cost to parents. Registration is not needed and students can just turn up. Younger students who are interested should check their Compass feed for details as certain days may have a particular subject focus. Year 11 students will have special access to tutors on Thursdays during activity time and Year 12 students can come to the library on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


Written By

Jacqui Hamilton | School Development Officer

Jacqui Hamilton | School Development Officer
Catherine McAuley Westmead

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