2023 Catherine McAuley Westmead Reading Tutors
A team of Year 11 Catherine McAuley students have spent their Wednesday mornings before school reading to Mother Teresa primary school students


A dedicated team of Year 11 volunteers have contributed to a love of reading in a group of Mother Teresa primary school students who they have read to regularly over the past two terms.

The Reading Tutors Program is a joint program between Catherine McAuley and Mother Teresa which sees a team of Year 11 McAuley students visit Mother Teresa each Wednesday morning before school and read to the younger students. The primary school students, who range from Years 1 - 3, then in turn read their level reader to the McAuley students.

Ms Elizabeth Devlin, Principal of Mother Teresa Primary School, told the Catherine McAuley students at the completion of the program for 2023 that they have really enhanced the primary school students' love of reading. “This is fantastic”, she said. “Mother Teresa loved having you at the school. You have done such a good job. I have observed you over the weeks and I think you would all make wonderful teachers, and we need more teachers, so I hope you are thinking about doing teaching and one day you might come back”.

Ms Joanne Xuereb, Leader of Learning Pathways and Partnerships, said the Year 11 students have built a good relationship with the younger students. “The students just enjoy being here and enjoy helping the primary school students. And although they aren’t necessarily thinking of this by volunteering in the program it can assist them with university early entries and scholarships”.

Mrs Maree Grainger, Literacy Coordinator at Mother Teresa, said she has definitely seen an improvement in the reading of the primary school students. “The students also have so much joy in attending. The big smiles show this”.

Megan L., a Year 11 volunteer, said she volunteered to take part in the program because she enjoys working with children. “I think working with children is fun and I don’t do any other volunteer work so I wanted to give back to the community”. Megan is also interested in working with children after she finishes school and plans to go overseas and be a camp counsellor. Mahika C., another Year 11 volunteer, volunteered for the program because she is a former Mother Teresa student herself. “I wanted to come back and be a part of the program from the other side”, she said. “It is very interesting to observe how all the students learn differently and how they read differently too”.

Any current Year 10 students will have the opportunity to volunteer next year when they are in Year 11. Ms Xuereb will notify students when they can apply.


Written By

Jacqui Hamilton | School Development Officer

Jacqui Hamilton | School Development Officer
Catherine McAuley Westmead

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