Always a McAuley girl

Our Alumni Association continues the spirit of Catherine McAuley beyond school realised by:

  • Regular reunions of past students and staff
  • Consultation and collaboration in strategic planning
  • Career mentoring and professional encouragement.
Alumni Collection Notice

Always a McAuley girl

Our Alumni Association - Catherine McAuley Westmead

If you are a past student let us know what you have been doing and stay in touch.

Any person who is an ex-student or past or present member of staff of Catherine McAuley is eligible for membership of the Association.

Email our School Development Officer if you would like to be kept informed about upcoming Alumni events or for any other Alumni matters.

Send us a message

50 years - Catherine McAuley Westmead
Catherine McAuley Westmead 50th Anniversary

Alumni News

Book of Memories - Celebrating 50 Years

To celebrate the school's 50th anniversary in 2016 Catherine McAuley Westmead has produced a commemorative book full of memories and photographs from students, parents and staff who have had a connection with the school over the past 50 years.

The Catherine McAuley Book of Memories is a 178 page full colour book looking at each decade in the school's history, as well as the early days when the school was first being established. Photographs and memories were sent in by former students and staff to tell their memories of their time at the school.

Topic areas covered include school uniform, school grounds, school curriculum, sport, staff, excursions and more. Click on the links below to view sample pages from the book. The book is available from our School Reception.

Catherine McAuley Westmead Student Memories 01

Catherine McAuley Westmead Student Memories 01

Catherine McAuley Westmead Student Memories 01


Catherine McAuley Westmead Student Memories 01

Catherine McAuley Westmead Student Memories 01

Catherine McAuley Westmead Student Memories 01

Click on the pages above to view larger sample pages from the book

Any book enquiries can be directed to Jacqui Hamilton, School Development Officer on (02) 9849 9129 or by using our contact form.

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